"You’re holding a collection of advice and insights on the government market from a pair of old hands who have pretty much seen it all. Something else that is very apparent is that Amtower and Lisagor want you to succeed and what they offer here is a treasure chest of information and insights. Each essay is a nugget that you can use as you drive your organization forward." - Nick Wakeman, Editor-in-Chief, Washington Technology
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"Lisagor's writing style is straight-forward and his book is filled with 'What to do and What Not to Do', as opposed to the typical institutional project management training that is not government specific enough and is forgotten a day later. Topics include: project initiation, planning, execution, control, and close-out as well as risk management, customer relationship management, configuration mgmt., quality assurance and contract growth. Over 150 full-sized pages of guidance, lessons learned, figures, templates and checklists." - Bob Dickson, former CIO
To read as a free Flipbook, CLICK HERE or on the book cover.
(Note: Because of the many tables, checklists & templates, this Flipbook is best read by clciking on the download and/or print symbol at the top of the Flipbook.)
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How to Develop a Winning Small Business Innovation Research Proposal (published by, provides 60 pages of easy-to-understand guidance and examples for each section of a typical SBIR proposal. It was written by two recognized government acquisition experts.
"This book is a good resource for someone who is currently writing an SBIR proposal. I bought this book hoping to gain some perspective on the SBIR proposal process in preparation for writing my own proposal." - Danny
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One definition of enlightenment is hope. Another is the potential for wisdom and compassion that exists in each human being. Most people have some level of religious conviction or moral compass, whether organized or not. So, why do so many managers leave this most important aspect of life at the door when they enter the workplace. In the Enlightened Manager, leadership consultant Michael Lisagor shares valuable lessons he's learned from conducting over 450 organizational interviews with industry, non-profit and government managers. Learn how to respond to workplace challenges with an enlightened perspective.
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